Embrace the Next Phase of eCommerce - Growth

BorderGuru is your one-shop-stop solution for international growth, offering services that include:

International Conversion

Global Compliance Without Hassle

Friction-less Global Logistics

Expand International Reach
Our global marketplace network exposes your brand to an audience of more than 500 million active international customers.

Selling worldwide has never been this easy!
Our cross-border and local marketplaces solutions offer affordable worldwide shipping and exclusive access to relevant sales channels. Increase your sales by converting your current foreign traffic and obtain international exposure in our marketplace network.
Why Us?
BorderGuru is part of the otto group, a globally active group of retailers and retail-related service providers (such as Hermes). With online sales of 9.9 billion euros, the otto group is one of the world’s largest online retailers and holds the leading position in the fashion and lifestyle category in Europe.
BorderGuru is the global cross-border service of Hermes, the leading commercial eCommerce delivery company in Europe. We offer solutions covering all aspects of cross-border eCommerce for fashion and lifestyle brands of any size.
With BorderGuru, you can expand your reach to 500 million customers with exclusive access to 49 local online marketplaces and retailers across Europe and beyond. Our Cross-border eCommerce solutions can transform your online store into a local shopping experience for your international customers in up to 198 countries. Learn more about the Otto Group and Hermes Europe.

Learn more about our solutions, which help you whether you want to convert your actual international traffic, expand your brands international visibility and reach, or both.

Cross-Border Shipping

Marketplace Partner
Gain access to a globally active multichannel retail group represented by 49 major ecommerce marketplaces with online sales of more than $200 billion USD each year. Join our marketplace and expose your brand to millions of new customers in Europe.

We’re proud of providing real international growth to these companies:

Don't take our word for it. Listen to our customers themselves.

Michael Santoro
MacCase President

Zoey Chang
Marketing Manager
Karuna Skin

Elizabeth Grojean
Baloo Living CEO